A recent op-ed in the Guardian, entitled “I’m not LMAO at ridiculous student emails” lodges a familiar complaint: students don’t know how to communicate with
Hello readers! Welcome to the new home of Cedar’s Digest. I have decided to integrate my blog with my professional website, no longer putting a
Hi folks, been a while since I blogged at ya. School starts in a few short weeks (on Labor Day for us), so I thought
Scicurious and Kate Clancy recently shared some interesting thoughts about science outreach. Sci was pointing out that scientists have a lot on their plates, and being
Here is my final exam for the class I teach of all seniors in psychology. It is a capstone course, intended to provide a capstone
German pastor Martin Niemoller is quoted as saying First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist. Then
Attention conservation notice: This post dives into some inside baseball stuff on social psychology, how the science of psychology is practiced, and how science is
I don’t often write about gender and science, but I have been thinking and reading about it lately. If you were hoping for my typical
I had a few thoughts about the big teacher quality and VAM study that came out today that I wanted to share before they float
This chapter deals with an enduring theme in my own thoughts, and a tension between the practice of science and the limits of the human